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Major Requirements

The Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Major requires a minimum of 27 hours.

Minor Requirements

The Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Minor requires a total of 18 hours.


All courses are subject to approval for the major and the minor. Special Topics courses must be in a relevant area. The chair of the department maintains a complete list of all official elective courses.

Course Schedules

Course Descriptions

These are course descriptions for some of the courses that are regularly taught in WGS. For the current list of courses offered, see the course schedule above.

Independent Study

Faculty from Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies often work independently with students who are interested in exploring topics and methods that are not being taught during the year.

Honors Program

The Honors Program of the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program is designed for highly qualified majors, who have earned an overall GPA of 3.3, with an average of 3.5 on work in WGS.