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Requirements for WGSS Minor

The Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Minor requires a total of 18 hours and must include the following course:

  • WGS 221 – Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
    or WGS 222 – Introduction to Sexuality Studies (3)

* If students declared a minor in WGSS in Fall 2019 or later, they do not have to take the capstone course.

* Select a minimum of 15 additional hours

If courses not designated WGS are taken, they must be from an approved list on file with the chair of the departments. Students may count no more than 6 hours from their major(s) toward the minor.


  • No more that 3 hours may be taken pass/fail
  • No online courses taken at institutions other than Wake Forest may count toward the minor.


  • Students pursuing the minor are encouraged to take WGS 221 in the first or second year prior to taking other 200 or 300 level classes.