WGSS Library
Location: Tribble C1

Check Out Policy
Who can check out materials?
WGS faculty, majors, minors, and staff who have keycard access to the library.
Films (DVD & VHS)
These may be checked out for 1 week. Please write your name, date, and email address on the library card and then place the card in the card pocket/holder for films checked out. Upon returning, please place the card back into the card pocket/holder on the DVD or VHS and place the film back in its proper place (DVDs are arranged alphabetically).
These may be checked out for 2 weeks. Complete a CD check-out card with number and name of CD, your name, date of check-out, and email address, and place in the checked out music (CD) card pocket. To return, place the CD back in its proper place based on alphabetical order.
These may be checked out for 3 weeks. Complete a book check-out card with the title and author, your name, date, and email address, and place in the books check out card pocket attached to the library shelf. Upon returning the book, mark through your name on the library card and place it back in the books checked out card pocket. Place the book in its proper place on the shelf as arranged by call number.