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Who are we?

We are a community of Wake Forest Students who work to resolve gender related issues on-campus. Our specific focus centers on body image, sexual harassment, and male/female stereotypes.

Why are we here?

Gender inequalities are still quite visible in our “progressive” country. On average, women are paid less than men for doing the same work, men are still not widely accepted in society for doing domestic work, and the list goes on. On this campus, gender-related issues are many times overlooked. We further our mission by hosting awareness events, group discussions, fundraisers, and by sparking conversations through social media. We believe students have the power to create positive change, and our group can strive to foster that change.

How can you get involved?

  1. Keep up with events we are holding on campus. Visit the WGS Calendar for dates and times.
  2. “Like” us on Facebook.
  3. Email one of our group leaders at and to get on our membership mailing list and receive information about membership meetings!
  4. Follow us on Twitter @GenderEqualityA.
  5. Check out our Tumblr page.
