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R.I.D.E. is Wake Forest University’s institutional framework for Inclusive Excellence. R.I.D.E. stands for Realizing Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity, and the framework outlines the areas that Wake Forest will focus on as individuals, as organizations and departments, and as an institution to work towards Inclusive Excellence.

WGSS engages the RIDE Principles in the following areas:

  1. Recruitment and Retention
GOALAction Item
How does my department, organization, or unit create a diverse prospective member/applicant pool?Engage with diverse professional organizations such as the Association for Ethnic Studies and the National Women’s Studies Association to ensure faculty openings are available to diverse populations. Ensure that job postings use inclusive language and are free of biased language. Emphasize that WGSS values diversity. 
How is a diversity of voices and perspectives leveraged in hiring decisions?Constitute diverse panels to engage in the evaluation of candidates and the interview process. 
How does the culture of my department, organization, or unit create space for longevity for people across a range of diverse identities and backgrounds? (e.g. retention planning for URMs)Ensure that all scholarly work is recognized in an equitable manner. Provide deep mentorship across the career lifespan. Offer clear guidelines and policies for promotion. Implement anti-discrimination and harassment policies to foster and encourage a safe and inclusive work environment. 
What is required to ensure individuals with historically underrepresented and/or marginalized identities receive opportunities for promotion and/or advancement?Provide deep mentoring and opportunities for professional development. Support of research. Clear promotion and tenure guidelines.

2. Inclusive Community Engagement 

GoalAction Item 
How does the department, organization, or unit partner or engage with the broader Winston-Salem communities in a manner that respects mutual benefit, power sharing, shared priority setting, resource sharing, and sustainability?Partner with community members to set goals and identify mutual interests and growth areas. Establish an equitable governance structure for decision-making. Create transparent funding mechanisms when appropriate. Center long-term relationship building by designing a long-term project instead of short-term projects. Collaborate with community members to bring their valuable knowledge and experiences into the classroom, ensuring that students experience diverse perspectives and real-world applications of what they are learning. Ensure feed-back loops and opportunities for reflection.