This concentration will provide students the opportunity to study gender and sexuality from a variety of disciplinary perspectives in conjunction with their study toward a graduate degree. Interdisciplinary by nature, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies courses primarily address the diversity of gendered experiences based on race, ethnicity, class, religion, nationality, and sexual orientation. The concentration is an appropriate option for students who wish to focus on gender and/or sexuality in their disciplinary field.
Applicants must declare their interest in the concentration to both the WGSS program director, Dr. Julia Jordan-Zachery, and the director of their own program of studies. The students must achieve a B or higher in the concentration and complete the major degree of study for it to be noted on the transcript. The WGSS program director will certify completion of the concentration.
WGS 622 – Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies OR WGS 617 – Introduction to Sexuality Studies
WGS 698 – Theory and Practice of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Select 6 hours of WGS courses
Electives (6) are chosen from WGS courses which are cross listed in the home department and are selected with the assistance of the WGS advisor and program director.
If students have already taken any of the required courses in their undergraduate years, substitutions for electives are admitted, in consultation with the WGSS program director.
Course Schedule and Additional Information
Students will be required to present their research at a conference, or at the WFU annual symposium on gender and sexuality, or at the WGSS colloquium for the S.P.E.A.K. series (Student Presentations on Experience, Arts, and Knowledge).
Please visit the WFU Academic Bulletin for WGSS Graduate Concentration for a list of all requirements and courses descriptions.
Course Schedule